X Integration - Linux
Linux is an open source operating system offering a wide range of features without the expensive price tag of its competitors.
X Integration has been supporting Linux based solutions since before Linux was accepted in the main stream as a business platform. We use enterprise grade solutions such as CentOS to provide our customers with reliable solutions that will outgrow the business they were installed into.
We have expertise in using linux for:
- Firewalls
- Virtual Private Network links
- remote office connectivity
- remote user connectivity
- Email including
- imap/pop3 mailboxes
- Spam filtering & Antivirus
- Mail Transport Agents (sendmail, qmail, exim, postfix)
- Collaboration using Bynari & Kolab (MS Exchange functionality)
- Webmail
- Web hosting (php,modperl)
- Databases (mysql, firebird/interbase, postgres)
- File sharing using Samba
- Web filtering & caching
- Data backup
- Multiple distributions:
- Redhat/Fedora/CentOS
- Debian
- Ubuntu

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